Monday, January 18, 2010

Make your own laundry soap

You may not think about it, but every week you spend around $5. on laundry soap. I used to and then I started thinking about it and made my own! As a soap maker, I have lots of soap scraps left over. I created my own recipe for making it. I also made this recipe available with my natural stain remover stick. You can find it at one of our shows or watch for it to be on my ETSY Green Botanicals
Here is an e-mail from a happy customer
"Hi Cynthia,which one of your soaps did you use in the laundry soap? I'm going to need to get some. I couldn't believe how wonderful the laundry detergent recipe is. I don't have to tell you how much I love all my cremes.Thank you,Karen"
So watch for it or check us out at a show soon!

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