Thursday, December 20, 2007

St. Johnswort & Seasonal Affective Disorder

SAD - the medical name for what most of us call the Winter Blues. Here we are so close to the big holiday season, and many people are really not so jolly. I have been there - and I do understand. For at least twenty years of my life, it was a really difficult season. I would find myself dwelling on losses instead of blessings. If you are in this state, you really need to address it. Some of this may be "SAD", if you can, try to sit in a sunny window for at least 20 minutes a day or get out in the day light and take a walk.
Here in Central New York it is rare that we have 20 minutes of sun everyday, so you need to be more proactive, try a light box, and if you are in really SAD condition see a Doctor or N.D..
Visit your herbalist or health food store and find a good herbal remedy.
When I became an herbalist I started making my own tinctures of St.Johnswort. The sunny little plant grows wild all over the Adirondacks. Many people have said that it did not work for them, but I believe they were not taking it in the correct form. Herbalist Michel Moore says that it works best in tincture form, and I agree with him. It also has to be taken for at least six weeks before you begin to see a difference.
In our herbal classes we take students on an herbal journey and teach them the correct methods of tincture making, make it part of your New Years resolution to join us in 2008.
Watch for our 2008 class listings on our web site @
or e-mail us @
Have a Happy Holidays, and watch for our post next week in Neti Pots... cynthia

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